Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day six

First, a thank you to everyone and all your supportive comments. A few people have called me brave – hard to feel that I’m taking a risk when I’ve not had a single negative response yet. Also, I’ve been almost reduced to tears on several occasions with people sharing their own stories. Guys, depression is so pervasive – has truly made me appreciate how that person who’s been annoying you, or that colleague that isn’t delivering the work on schedule may have a perfectly legitimate reason for being the way they are.

Onto today’s depression truth, which is – scalp massages make you feel hella better Smile

Yesterday was a bad day – the morning at least. The old symptoms – fatigue, lack of concentration, being emotional – all came flooding back.

Luckily, I had a chat with hubby about it. He’s had his own experiences and so is very understanding and sympathetic to the whole thing. It’s great to know that I can just go ‘bad day’ and he’ll go ‘right’ and be able to react accordingly.

Then I watched Good News Week (one of my fave shows) before heading off for my two-monthly hair appointment. ‘Tis very necessary – I’m as grey as all get-out and without constant dying, can end up looking like I’m 60. Which would be fine, if I was. But I’m not and quite frankly, having spent a lot of my life looking much younger than I am, I REFUSE to look older.

So there I was, in the hairdressers, getting my roots done and some foils to freshen things up. Just sitting there, nice and peaceful, helped a lot. Then it was time to wash the hair. My salon has massage chairs at the basin, so you get super-relaxed. By the time the massage application of the conditioner came along, I was so ready for it.

Ah, my scalp’s tingling now just thinking about it.

I returned home feeling almost chipper. The night passed well and after Hubby and I collapsed into bed at a ridiculously early hour (8.30 yo), I fell asleep pretty quickly and had the best night’s sleep in weeks – woke up once around 4.30am but fell asleep again pretty quickly and was happy until I got up at 7 to go for my walk.

So I’m headed off to the doctor’s today feeling quite good. But after yesterday, I know that I’m far from being cured and I’m ready to organise my counselling, keeping going with the exercise, meditation and so on and hopefully as the days go on, I’ll get better and better.

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