Monday, March 28, 2011

Day five

Was having a good morning – getting lots of things done. Then energy started to ebb, just in time for Hubby’s return.

Kept myself going until the end of the night, but went to bed feeling a bit down. Took me a while to get to sleep and this morning – not feeling so crash hot.

It’s interesting – do I admit to myself that I appear to be having a bad day and make allowances for that? Or do I not admit it, in case I’m talking myself into feeling shit and if I focus on the positive I can wish it away?

You know, this depression thing really f*#$s with your head.

A couple of links to some things that I’ve found helpful and you might too.

The fabulous Liz Argall wrote this article on depression and creative folks a few years ago. I found the advice there extremely pertinent.

I’ve mentioned the ANU’s Mood Gym. It’s an online workshop to help deal with some of the wonky thinking that affects mood (based on cognitive behavioural training, which theorises that emotions are caused by thoughts and not the other way around). Is the common method psychs use when treating depression nowadays.

Getting my hair done today – which always makes me feel better. And I think I’ll start working on packing for the trip – focus on something worthwhile in the future, rather than wallow.


  1. Hey, Nicole - I'm no therapist but I do believe it's important to acknowledge that you're feeling crappy. Don't pretend it doesn't exist. Positive thinking is great but acceptance is the 'key'. This doesn't mean you can 'wallow' which you aren't but what it means is that you admit it and say "I'm feeling crap today. I will do the best I can considering how I feel at this moment in time". Tomorrow is a new day, so is the next hour, with new beginnings, new feelings and with any luck better than the last but if it's not...remember baby steps...♥

  2. "this depression thing really f*#$s with your head."

    Amen to that, sister. Amen to that.

  3. Midnight rambler - That's a good way to consider it. Make the acknowledgement, then don't allow it power by then thinking about how to deal with it and be positive about the future. Thanks for that.

    Wordsmiff - Alleluia, brother! :)
